Organizing Kitchen Plastic Ware

by Tina on August 20, 2010

Do you save every plastic tub/lid you can get your hands on? My Granny did… butter, margarine, sour cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, etc. Later, she also had a smattering of “good plasticTupperware products. “Good” or not, how should we store our kitchen plastic ware?

In addition to Tupperware, today we’ve got Rubbermaid, Glad, Ziploc and many others brands from which to select our plastic ware of choice. There are products that are clear and products that have colors. There are lids that snap together, and lids that go with a number of different sizes. There are even spinning thingies to hold the whole set. Variety is the spice of life. However…

I do know it is cheaper to save all your tubs/lids from the products you’ve used (butter, sour cream, etc.). But, toward a more organized and healthy home, please just recycle those right on out of the house. You hereby have my permission to let go of all of these not-intended-for-reuse plastics – as well as any container orphans (containers without lids;  lids without containers).

But, I hear you saying, I still need something for storage of my leftovers. Okie dokie. Try this:

  1. Pick a brand (Tupperware, Rubbermaid, Glad, Ziploc, etc.)
  2. Pick a color (clear is preferable, so you can see inside without having to open it)
  3. Pick a shape (warning: round containers leave unused space in your fridge)
  4. Pick at most two to four different sizes you’ll need regularly (I’m not counting the containers for specific items that stay occupied all the time – sugar, flour, cereal, etc. – this guideline is for leftovers and the like)
  5. Buy a week’s worth of plastic ware

I promise you, if you limit your sizes and styles to a brand that is readily available, it will be incredibly easier to maintain the neatness of this storage area. So, brace yourself, do some purging then some purchasing. And, relax and enjoy your new kitchen plastic ware storage space.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you…” 3 John 1:2 (New International Version)

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 Hello, my name is Tina Bonifacio, and I am a Professional Organizer working with residential and commercial clients in the greater Savannah, Georgia area. For more information, visit Thanks for stopping by. You are welcome back anytime.

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